答案在The Economist January 15th 2022 Britain 中“Boris Johnson”这篇文章第四段可以找到。
The Economist January 15th 2022 Britain
in short order 迅速地;立即;马上;毫不拖延地
当然,同义词 immediately, promptly, at once
But his party is unlikely to force him out in short order. That would require 54 MPS to sign a letter of no confidence, and then 180, or half the parliamentary party, to vote to eject him. The Conservatives’ reputation for ruthless regicide has been undeserved since the days of Margaret Thatcher. It has since had a high tolerance for low performance: the hapless Theresa May was got rid of only in 2019, two years after she lost the party its majority. Some backbenchers are happy with a crippled prime minister, since it makes him biddable on coronavirus policy and Brexit.
但他的政党不太可能立即赶他下台。这将需要54名议员签署一份不信任信,然后180名议员,或议会政党的一半,投票罢免他。自从玛格丽特·撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)时代以来,保守党无情弑君的说法完全是无稽之谈。自那以后,它对表现稍逊非常容忍:倒霉的特蕾莎·梅两年前失去了该党的多数席位,而她仅在2019年才遭免职。一些保守党“后座议员”(指普通议员)对元气大伤的首相很满意,因为这让他在防疫政策和英国退欧问题上顺从。